“Harrys schönste Zeit” to visit Lech

To take your­self time for extra­or­di­nary expe­ri­ences and inter­est­ing encoun­ters in select­ed regions of Aus­tria is the idea behind of Har­ry Prünster’s new TV show “Har­rys schön­ste Zeit”.
For the episode when Har­ry Prün­ster stops by in Lech, which will be broad­cast­ed August, 25th at 4pm at ORF 2, the pop­u­lar mod­er­a­tor vis­it­ed the Sky­space-Lech, accom­pa­nied by Hori­zon Field chair­man Mag. Otto Huber. Mr. Prün­ster and his team were deeply impressed by the excep­tion­al expe­ri­ence of James Turrell’s art­work and the very spe­cial mood dur­ing daybreak.